Ketamine for PTSD in
Los Angeles

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) develops from highly-stressful events in a person’s life which leaves a lasting impression. The symptoms from PTSD arise from a negative bias toward experiencing neutral stimuli as threat-related, and in turn cause heightened feelings of fear, sense of doom, and anxiety. Other strong emotions such as hypervigilance, nightmares, flashbacks, emotional/physiological reactivity and avoidance of thoughts, places, or objects are also common. This dysphoric arousal often inhibits people from leading peaceful, regular lives and interferes with their social and professional lives.

Ketamine infusion treatments have produced amazingly positive results in patients suffering from PTSD. Traditionally, PTSD is treated with oral medications such as SSRIs and psychotherapy. However, many patients do not make a significant recovery with this approach. However, we have seen close to 80% positive results in patients treated with ketamine infusion (a series of 6). Most of our patients report positive results even after their first ketamine infusion.

Insurance Accepted

We accept Medicare and PPO Insurances. Please contact us for more information.

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